Seafloor is renowned for providing innovative solutions for real world applications.
Use Cases/Application Notes
Applications: Inspection / survey of mines, sewage treatment plants, contaminated lakes, and rivers.
Reggie using the HyDrone
Reggie using the HyDrone
Applications: Inspection / survey of mines, sewage treatment plants, contaminated lakes, harbors and swift-moving rivers.
EchoBoat in action
EchoBoat in action
NOAA using the EchoBoat
EchoBoat in action
Applications: Inspection / survey of lakes, harbors, large rivers, rough nearshore environments, water quality research, tidal zones.
HydroCat design
HydroCat in action
HydroCat design
Applications: Quickly measures and logs depths more accurately than standard systems, making fast work of ponds, rivers, lakes, and more.
US Army uses HydroLite
John Brady using HydroLite
John Brady using HydroLite
US Army uses HydroLite